Youth & Self-Reflection

During Mental Illness Awareness Week, we asked Impact Norwood Youth Ambassadors to reflect on their own mental health struggles and challenges. Afterwards, they each responded to the following prompt:

Write yourself a pep talk to read when you are having a bad day.

“There are better days to come. Try to look for the positive things that have happened and reminisce on them. Continuing looking forward and repeat after me, ‘You are beautiful, you are worthy!’  We’re all worthy of happiness. Find yours.”

 “I know it may feel like you are overwhelmed and not feeling like yourself, but remember to be proud for getting through the day. You are doing absolutely amazing and you will get through this!”

“Even though the stress and anxiety feels like too much at the moment, pushing forward is only going to make you grow. As you enter the next stages of your life remember how far you have come to get here.”

 “Hey you. I'm sorry you're having a rough day. We've had a lot of those, haven't we? That's okay, though, because good ones always follow. It can be hard. So, so very hard. But remember that after all this, the good moments will be all the better. You can do this. You are strong and capable, and have so much support. Even if you don't feel like you can, there are people in your life who will support you and get you through. I love you.”

 “It might seem like everything is going wrong, but by tomorrow it will feel like today didn't happen. You have A LOT of things to be proud of, so know that I'm proud of you and everyone else is too. Oh, and before I forget, you're perfect just the way you are. Don’t stress over things too much!”

Studies show turning inward - or self-reflection - can strengthen our emotional intelligence, which can make it easier for us to cope with life’s challenges. Try it yourself!

Impact Norwood